Why you need network marketing today
I called a friend on a very exciting business proposition one morning. He was very keen to take a look at it and just before I dropped the call he said: ” Please just make sure that what you bring to me is NOT NETWORK MARKETING.”
Well I tried one network marketing business with him and “we did not work out” but the business is growing stronger to this day. If I was still at my previous level of MLM I would say “IT DID NOT WORK OUT!” Well stay with me because I will be s an owing you why do you need network marketing today, thanks to my friend and the call.
The Ferrari of our economy
After I put down the phone I thought I heard my friend saying: “Bring the car AS LONG AS IT IS NOT FERRARI” I thought I heard him say “We can take the trip to London (from Johannesburg) AS LONG AS WE DON’T FLY BUT WE DRIVE!” I thought I heard my friend say: ” We can meet in the 48th floor AS LONG AS WE DON’T TAKE THE LIFT AND WE TAKE THE STAIRS!”

This is what he will hear himself saying when he reviews the message in ten years to come. We are going to a time where you will buy a car in ONE TENTH of its price when you become a fellow distributor through Network Marketing.
We are going to a time where you will buy a house in ONE HUNDREDTH of its price when you will agree to become the distributor of the car through MLM. This is the future and we will not run away from it.
Three changes in the economy today
We will all chase Network Marketing opportunities just like the Chinese Clothes in the South African shops. Now my friend I hope I have your attention. These are some of the things that show why we need to be in network marketing today. There are certain changes in the economy which we need to embrace before our careers go obsolete. Here are three things to observe.
1. Technology: Fourth Industrial Revolution
2. Home Business
3. Network Marketing
Professor Tshilidzi Marwala; a world renowned expert in the Fourth Industrial Revolution makes very interesting observations about our future and the fourth industrial revolution. He says there will be three scenarios which every individual will be faced with.
a. The end jobs – This simply means that there will be people without jobs.
b. Change and adjustments of existing jobs – Still when the change or adjustment happens there will be those left without jobs as they will not have re-skilled for the changed jobs.
c. Introduction of New Jobs -This again will leave others without jobs. Only those who have trained for these new jobs will survive.
In a nutshell the Fourth Industrial Revolution brings a Post Jobs Era for many around the World.
Another reason why you need to be in network marketing today is an event which happened in Finland 11 years ago. It is public knowledge that Finland has the best education system in the world and has the most educated citizens in the world. Even such a country was not immune to the disruption of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With the kind of education they have it is easy to assume that one can have a safe 40 year career. I say this because in 2008 Nokia had a 50% Market share in the Cellphone industry.

Barely four years this very safe company had to retrench the most educated people in the world. The best performing company had a forty year career of some turned to four years! Now we are talking about a people who are more ready for the fourth industrial revolution more than most countries. A company that was banking on and also leader of Symbian technology was disrupted by Android Technology from Apple and later Samsung and the careers of many went into smoke. Where did they go and what would be the best remedy for these people? We will get the answer in the 3rd point.
2. Home Business
Several surveys show a shocking statistic in the UK especially from London. It has been found that 52 percent of registered businesses in UK are Home Based Businesses. Nearly 50 percent of the Home Businesses belong to largely largely professionals from the age of 52 to the ‘retirement’ age are in a Home Based Business. Now these are academics who have either taken a conscious decision or they decided to flow with the direction of technology. They have sufficient research to understand that we are going towards a Post Job Era. These are people of various academic disciplines and my intention in showing this is that not all of us are as educated to form the kinds of businesses I will list below.

It is advised that if one considers home based business should note that there are certain professions that one can do anywhere including at home. Teachers now compile lessons on youtube or any online platform and teach from home. Most IT Businesses run from home and this can include graphic designers and web or app developers. Writers also have a lot of freelancing jobs from home.
I list these businesses to show that not everyone can do these and I have a recommendation in my third point of a business that many can start learning and do from home. The statistics in UK as well as the Nokia experience in Finland show that we are quickly going towards the Post Job Era.
3. Network Marketing
In my introduction I spoke a little bit about my friend’s warning to me on network marketing. I also shared a bit about where I see network marketing in the future. I need your attention here because the disruption of the fourth industrial revolution is very real, thus the UK response with Home Based Business. In the future I will share how some of the Nokia employees went to Home Based Business.

Network Marketing is both an Industry and an economy. It is called the New Economy as well as the democratization of economy. Further more it is an advanced and very smart Economic Science that has been designed to face various disruptions in the economy including the fourth industrial revolution. We can add that it has been a bridge on the previous industrial revolutions as it is as old as all the levels of industrial revolutions. This is one skill that has easily adapted to all these economic disruptions and has been a bridge from one to another.
This industry has been designed to withstand all the future economic disruptions. As we have seen that most home businesses have a specific skill; not everyone might be a writer of an IT specialists or a professional consultant. Network Marketing is a professional skill that is easy to learn and it gives you the opportunity to rise as far as you can.
Whether you are student or a retired professor. Whether you are a petrol attendant or a security. From a blue collar to a white caller Network Marketing has success stories of all walks of life. After all we have come to this realm to fulfill our purpose and this industry can accommodate as much.
In conclusion
I would like to close this with the dilemma in which the Nokia employees found themselves. What was supposed to be a forty year career in the company ended up as four year stint with Nokia. From the World success of Symbian to the disruption of that success by Android it has taken only four years. Is the technology going to demand us to learn something new every four years?
I want to show you an industry where the work of four years can produce what the traditional industry produced in forty years. Richard Brooke wrote a book which is titled The Four Year Career. Yes; Network Marketing when properly learned can retire you in four years while others retire in forty years.
I want to invite you to join my newsletter below and see how I work my Four Year Career; maybe you will see why you need to be in network marketing today. You are not forced to join my company; but the newsletter subscription will give you an idea what to do in your Four Year Career. Please do not forget to go to your email and confirm subscription.
For any further questions feel free to contact me at +27790831530 for Whatsap use +27762126757.